WalkSafe Crosswalk Safety Program for Kids | KiDZ Center

Welcome to WalkSafe!

The University of Miami WalkSafe program is a pediatric injury prevention program working directly with public schools through our free 3-day educational curriculum and safety resources. 

WalkSafe also encourages physical activity through walking to school and advocates for facilities and infrastructure improvements to the school environment by collaborating with local governments, traffic planners, school districts and the community.   

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School is best when it is fun!

Engage young minds and teach safety strategies at your school with the WalkSafe Curriculum.

Teach WalkSafe at your school

Watch our training videos, download the curriculum, and teach the program at your school.

Poster Contest

Our contest offers schools throughout Florida the opportunity to showcase the creative talents of their students.

Completed the curriculum?

All schools must submit our online Curriculum Completion Form after implementing the curriculum.

What’s new?

News - February 3, 2021

Better Streets for Kids: Fixing US road safety education

The following is an adaptation of our presentation at the 2021 Safe Streets Summit.

News - June 19, 2020

A New Era in Safe Streets

During an uncomfortable and brilliant presentation last year, Shavon Arline-Bradley addressed a room of over 500 Safe Routes to School conventioneers, boldly bringing related racism, discrimination, injustice, segregation, and social isolation to the discussion of transportation and health.

News - May 27, 2020

Walking to School, 1961: A story.

For the last four decades, walking to school has been declining – a fact often brought up by the National Safe Routes to School Partnership and the University of North Carolina’s Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center, just to mention a few. With the advent of the Internet, it is easy to bring up articles and data compiled from around the nation to see this information in graphs.

News - March 27, 2020

Staying healthy and safe during COVID-19

The KiDZ Neuroscience Center hopes you, your family, friends, and loved ones are safe, as we learn to cope with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Our hearts go out to those who have been impacted by it.

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Our Partners:

Jackson Health System
National Center for Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes Walk/Bike To School
Florida Department of Transportation
Miami-Dade County
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Miami-Dade Bike305
ImPACT Concussion Test
Countywide Concussion Care
American Youth Football
American Automobile Association School Safety Patrol
League of American Bicyclists
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Town of Surfside, Florida
Everglades Bicycle Club - Home
AAA School Safety Patrol
National Collegiate Athletic Association