Roadside Assistance | AAA Northeast

Membership has its privileges.®

AAA Truck on service call

AAA accepts roadside requests for road service 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. To request service online have the following information ready:

  • Your 16-digit membership number which is located on the front of your AAA Membership Card or Digital Membership Card.
  • The location of the disabled vehicle — the name of the street and the nearest city are required to process the request.
  • The type of service needed (flat tire, dead battery, locked keys, etc.)
  • The description of the disabled vehicle
  • Phone number where you can be contacted

Vehicle Breakdown Tips

Your safety is the primary concern. If you break down on the road, please take care to ensure the safety of you and your passengers.

1. Pull off the road.
Maneuver your vehicle as far off the road as possible. If you cannot pull over, put emergency flashers on immediately and exit your vehicle safely. Don’t push your vehicle; get to safety right away.

2. Note your vehicle’s location.
Identify any landmarks, road signs, buildings, or mile markers.

3. Alert other motorists.
Oncoming cars – especially those at high speed – pose a danger. Always turn on your flashers, even in the daytime, raise the hood and tie a brightly colored item to the door handle.

4. Stay with your vehicle
If you are away from traffic, its safest to stay with the vehicle until help arrives. Keep doors locked and windows closed.

For more information on what to do if your vehicle breaks down, please download our flyer.

Use the Auto Club App to request roadside assistance

Roadside Assistance Truck