Slow Down Move Over | AAA Northeast
Slow Down Move Over

Keep our first responders safe

Every day, first responders put their lives on the line on our nation’s roads. Police officers, fire and rescue workers, tow truck drivers and emergency technicians perform their jobs within a few feet of speeding vehicles. And every six days, one of these responders loses his/her life tending to a disabled vehicle.

Do your part to keep our first responders safe by following the slow down, move over laws in every state. The message is simple:

When approaching an emergency vehicle with its lights illuminated, drivers must slow down and, if possible, move to the adjacent lane.

Taking this action gives first responders more room in which to work and keeps everyone safer. While police are doing more to enforce these laws, it’s the responsibility of every individual driver to stay alert and follow the law.

Hear from two AAA roadside technicians who were struck by motorists

"Treat everybody like it was your family, so no one gets hurt. Keep your eyes open. If you don’t move over, you’re going to kill somebody. Put the cell phone down. A text can wait. It’s simple, have some compassion. We put our lives on the line every day to help other people. This is our office, we don’t have four walls and a roof to protect us." - Ken Young, Rhode Island Fleet
Jay Lynk Tech
“Of course slow down, move over. Pay attention to driving, and put the phones down. Pay attention to everything around you, otherwise, you’ll put somebody else in a position just like this.” – Jay Lynk, Connecticut Fleet

Slow Down Move Over PSA

  • Public Service Announcement


    AAA is airing a Public Service Announcement to drive home the Slow Down Move Over message

Roadside Assistance Truck