New York Defensive Driving Course | AAA Northeast



New York Defensive Driving Course

 Discounted Rates for AAA Members

Sharpen your driving skills and qualify for 10% off your auto insurance* with the AAA defensive driving course in NY. Available to members and non-members, this six-hour program is approved by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles and conveniently offered in the classroom and online.

In-person classes now available in select locations!

View the schedule and register for a class near you today!

Online Defensive Driving Course – NY

  • Interactive, user-friendly and self-paced. Take up to 30 days to complete the course!
  • Course certificate mailed quickly upon completion of program.

AAA members: $30.95
Non-members: $35.95

Reduce up to four points
AAA’s fee-based Online Defensive Driving course is a self-paced program computer course. Participants create a username and login, once logged in participants have up to 30 days to complete the course. AAA members receive a discount when enrolling in the online course.
Typing on Laptop

Private Classes

Looking to host a private class at your local organization or place of business? Submit the form below to request a private class.

Not located in New York? Choose your state:
*Your ability to qualify for a discount depends on state law and on your particular insurance carrier. Driver Improvement Program Terms and Conditions
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