Shifting Gears | AAA Northeast

A free program for high school health classes from AAA. 

This program can be modified to fit each school's class schedule.
This lesson is designed to: 

  • Explore the impact of marijuana on the developing teenage brain 
  • Give students an experience of cognitive impairment through simulation goggles
  • Demonstrate the potential consequences that can occur related to driving
  • Provide evidence-based information about preconceived ideas about marijuana use
  • Explain the physical and cognitive processes that are affected by marijuana
  • Explain why driving under the influence of marijuana is a crime
Brown School of Public Health
Researchers at Brown University’s School of Public Health conducted a review of the data presented in Shifting Gears in 2019. The developers of the curriculum encourage high school health educators to implement the program to not only fulfill health education standards, but to educate teens about the dangers of driving while impaired.

Classroom activities will demonstrate:

  • Impairment of useful field of vision
  • Effects on perception and response
  • Influence on executive function
  • Weakened reaction time and visual perception
  • Impact on short term memory

State Standards and Frameworks

What are YOUR students attitudes and behaviors regarding marijuana and driving?

We ask educators to assist us in administering a pre and post-program student survey. 

Please forward these links to each of your students who will participate in the program as classwork or homework. 
(Surveys should take approximately 5 minutes or less to complete):


SURVEY RESPONSES ARE ANONYMOUS.  Aggregate data can be sorted by school and shared with you, so you are able to learn more about the program’s effectiveness and attitudes/behaviors around impaired driving in the school community.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Request more information on our free program for your high school health class below.
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